Recipes | Sesame cookies bars


  • 1 glass butter
  • 1 glass virgin sesame oil
  • 1 glass sugar
  • 1 glass honey
  • 6 big eggs
  • 1 glass powdered sugar
  • 1 glass roasted sesame seeds
  • 4 glasses all purpose flour
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • vanilla flavor
  • grated peel from 3 lemons
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Whip the butter, sugar and sesame oil into a white homogeneous mass. Stir in the honey, eggs and the grated lemon peel. At the same time sift the flour, baking powder and salt into that mixture. Stir the sesame seeds and place the batter on a sesame oil greased baking pan. Bake at 175oC for 12-15 minutes. After the batter cools, dice it and sprinkle powdered sugar.